General By-laws



1. Interpretation and definitions – In the present by-law, unless the context otherwise requires, the terms used  hereafter have the same meaning as in An Act respecting the Barreau du Québec (R.S.Q., c. B‑1), with the exception of the following, which mean:

  1. «bâtonnier»: the Bâtonnier of the Section of Montreal;
  2. «Council»: the council of the Section of Montreal;
  3. «Member»: a lawyer duly entered on the Roll of the Order of the Barreau du Québec and of the Section of Montreal;
  4. «Section»: the Bar of Montreal.

Unless the context requires otherwise, the singular includes the plural and the masculine includes the feminine.
Mod. 19/03/2008 – 27/08/2008

2. Constitution – The Bar of Montreal is a legal person separate and autonomous, composed of the lawyers entered on the Roll thereof. It possesses all the powers assigned to legal persons by the laws of Quebec.1
Mod. 07/11/2001

3. Name – The Section is known and designated as BAR OF MONTREAL and in its French version as BARREAU DE MONTRÉAL.
Mod. 19/03/2008

4. Territorial Limits – The territorial limits of the Section are the same as those set forth in Schedule I of An Act respecting the Barreau du Québec.2

5. Office – The office of the Section is at 460, Saint-Gabriel, 2nd floor, Montreal (Quebec) H2Y 2Z9 or at such other place as the Council may fix by resolution.3
Mod. 19/03/2008 – 29/04/2019

6. Seal – The seal of the Section shall bear the expressions “1849 – Barreau de Montréal” and “Bar of Montreal – 1849”, encircling the logo of the Section, composed of a triangular form and two curved forms representing the “B” of Bar and the “M” of Montreal.4
Mod. 07/11/2001 – 19/03/2008

7. Graphic Symbol – The Section is also represented by a graphic symbol conforming to the original kept at its office.

When a Member reproduces this symbol for the purposes of his advertising, he must ensure that it conforms to the original, and, save on business cards, attach the following notice: “The Bar of Montreal bears no liability for this advertising which is not advertising of the Bar of Montreal.”
Mod. 19/03/2008

8. Communication of Notices – The communication of a notice, of a meeting or of other information in virtue of the present by-law is effected by sending to the Members, to the last professional domicile inscribed on the Roll of the Order, a letter, a review or journal published by the Section or by the Barreau du Québec and containing such notice, communication or information in one of the following ways:

  1. by mail;
  2. by fax;
  3. by e-mail.

Mod. 19/03/2008


Section 1 – General Provisions

9. Notice of Meeting – Every meeting of Members is called by written notice containing the date, hour, place and agenda of the meeting.

The meeting is not invalidated by the unintentional omission to send the notice to one or several Members.

10. Delay for Notice – The delay for notice to Members of any meeting shall be at least eight (8) days.

When the Council considers that the circumstances require it, such delay may be reduced to two (2) days.
Mod. 19/03/2008 – 25/01/2016

11. Quorum – Fifty (50) Members shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Section.6

12. Chair – The Bâtonnier presides over all meetings of the Section.7 If he is absent or prevented from acting, the First Councillor replaces him.8 If both are absent, a Member chosen by the assembled Members may act as Chair.
Mod. 07/11/2001 – 19/03/2008

13. Procedure – At a meeting, a Member shall not be permitted to speak more than once on any subject, except with the permission of the Chair. Any Member proposing or seconding a resolution may reply.

14. Vote at Meetings – Questions shall be decided by the majority of the votes of the Members present. In case of a tie, the Chair shall have a deciding vote.9 Save for votes by secret ballot contemplated by section 28, the vote shall be taken by a show of hands, unless the assem­bled Members decide otherwise.

A dissenting Member may require the secretary to note his dissent af­ter the vote and before the meeting is adjourned.
Mod. 07/11/2001 – 19/03/2008 – 27/08/2008 – 25/01/2016

15. Minutes – The minutes of the meeting are prepared by the Director General or such other person designated for such purpose by the Council. After being approved at a subsequent meeting and certified by the signatures of the Chair and the person who prepared them, the minutes are entered into the minute book.
Mod. 19/03/2008

16. Additional Rules of Procedure – The Council may by resolution enact such additional rules of procedure as it may deem necessary for conducting the meetings of Members.

Section 2 – Annual General Meeting

17. Date – The annual general meeting of Members takes place between April 20 and May 10, on the date, at the hour and place fixed by the Council.10

18. Preliminary Notice – At least forty-five (45) days prior to the annual general meeting, a notice is sent to the Members indicating the positions becoming vacant and referring to the by-law relating to questions that may be submitted to the meeting.

19. Proposal of a Question by a Member – A Member who wishes to submit a question to the annual general meeting must transmit it in writing to the office of the Section before 4:00 P.M. on April 1st or the next working day if April 1st is a Saturday or a holiday, in order for the question to be placed on the agenda. Nevertheless, a question may, in the absence of such a notice, be submitted to the annual general meeting if the majority of Members present consent thereto.
Mod. 19/03/2008 – 25/01/2016

20. The Agenda – The Council sets the agenda for the annual general meeting11, which must include the following subjects:

  1. call to order;
  2. the adoption of the agenda;
  3. the adoption of the minutes of the last annual general meeting and of the special meetings, if any;
  4. the report of the Treasurer;
  5. the presentation of the financial statements and the appointment of auditors;
  6. the report of the Bâtonnier;
  7. discussion and vote on the questions submitted by the Council or by a Member;
  8. the proclamation of elected officers and councillors;
  9. the speech of the new Bâtonnier;
  10. question period;
  11. adjournment.

Mod. 19/03/2008 – 25/01/2016

21. Quorum after Adjournment – In case of adjournment of the annual general meeting for purposes of the election, the quorum, at the resumption of the meeting, is composed of the Members who are present.12
Mod. 19/03/2008

Section 3 – Special Meetings

22. Notice – A special meeting of the Section may be held at the call of the Secretary, upon the request of the Council, the Bâtonnier or the First Councillor, or upon the written request of twenty (20) Members.13 This request must be addressed to the Council and must indicate the purpose of the meeting.
Mod. 19/03/2008

23. Delay and purpose – The notice of meeting must be sent to the Members within fifteen (15) days of the request therefore and must indicate the purpose of such meeting.


Section 1 – Formation of the Council

24. Composition – The affairs of the Section are managed by a Council composed of thirteen (13) members consisting of four (4) officers and nine (9) councillors, including at least one (1) representative of the Young Bar Association of Montreal, elected by the Members having the right to vote.14

At least four (4) members of the Council must be English-speaking.

The officers are the Bâtonnier, the First Councillor, the Teasurer and the Secretary.
Mod. 07/11/2001 – 19/03/2008

25. Eligibility15 – Practising advocates who have paid their contribution for the current year in accordance with paragraph 2 of section 68 of An Act respecting the Barreau du Québec are eligible for a position on the Council.16

A candidate for the office of Bâtonnier must have been a member of the Council within the five (5) years preceding the date of the election.

A candidate for the office of First Councillor must have been a previous member of the Council.

The candidates for the position of Secretary and representative of the Young Bar Association of Montreal must be members of the Young Bar Association of Montreal.
Mod. 07/11/2001 – 19/03/2008 – 27/08/2008

26. Nomination – Nomination of candidates is made by a nomination form indicating the position sought, signed by at least two (2) and not more than ten (10) practising advocates. The form is deposited with the office of the Section before 4:00 P.M., April 1st or the next working day if April 1st is a Saturday or a holiday.

If no candidates have applied for a vacant position or if all of the properly nominated persons have withdrawn their candidacy or cannot, for whatever reason, maintain their candidacy, the nomination may then be made before the opening of the polls.
Mod. 07/11/2001 – 19/03/2008 – 25/01/2016

27. Proclamation – If there is only one candidate for a vacant position, he is proclaimed elected at the annual general meeting.

28. Election – If there is more than one candidate for a vacant position, the Council orders an election by secret ballot in accordance with the conditions that it determines.17

The Council may entrust the management of the election to an electronic voting company. It may appoint the Director General or another person to act as an intermediary between the company and the President of the election.

The election is held between April 20 and May 10.18
Mod. 07/11/2001 – 29/01/2014

29. Abrogé
Mod. 19/03/2008 – 29/04/2019

30. President of the Election – The Council appoints the President of the election from amongst the Members.19

The President of the election must ensure the election is held in ac-cordance with this by-law. He must determine the qualifications of all candidates
Mod. 19/03/2008 – 29/01/2014

31. Fees – The Council establishes the fees to be paid to the President of the election.
Mod. 29/01/2014

32. Communication of the List of Candidates – At least eight (8) days before the opening of the polls, the list of candidates is posted in the Salon des avocats or in another appropriate place. The list indicates the positions to be filled as well as the voting procedure. A copy of the list and the voting procedure are sent to the Members within the same timeframe.
Mod. 07/11/2001 – 19/03/2008 – 29/01/2014 – 25/01/2016

33. Eligibility of Voters – Only practising advocates who have paid their fees for the current year in accordance with paragraph 2 of section 68 of An Act respecting the Barreau du Québec may vote.20

The President of the election may only vote in the event of a tie.
Mod. 19/03/2008 – 27/08/2008

34. Modality of the Vote – Each Member having the right to vote shall vote for at least one candidate without however exceeding the number of candidates to be elected. Any ballot containing more votes than candidates to be elected shall be null.
Mod. 25/01/2016

35. Report – The President of the election shall prepare and sign a report of the election results. This report shall indicate the names of the candidates and the number of votes they have received.
Mod. 29/01/2014

36. Communication of Results – The President of the election communicates to the meeting the name of the elected candidate to each position.
Mod. 19/03/2008

Section 2 – Powers of the Council

37. General Rule – The Council exercises the powers that are con­ferred upon it by An Act respecting the Barreau du Québec and its by-laws and by the present by-law.

The Council has authority over any decision relating to the affairs of the Section.

Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Council, by resolu­tion :

  1. adopts, at least once a year, the operating budget of the Sec­tion;
  2. decides all questions relating to the hiring, duties, salaries and dismissal of employees of the Section.21

Mod. 19/03/2008 – 27/08/2008

Section 3 – Meetings of the Council

38. Meetings – Members of the Council meet as often as necessary on the date and at the time and place determined by the Council but at least eight (8) times a year.

The meetings of the Council are presided by the Bâtonnier or by the First Councillor, in his absence.
Mod. 19/03/2008

39. Convocation – Meetings of the Council may be called at the request of the Bâtonnier, of the First Councillor or at the written request of three (3) members of the Council.

40. Delay and Notice – Notice of convocation of meetings of the Council may be verbal and the delay for convocation must be at least two (2) days. A meeting of the Council may however take place without prior notice of convocation if all the members of the Council are present at the meeting, or if they consent thereto, or if the Council has fixed the date of the meeting in advance.
Mod. 19/03/2008 – 25/01/2016

41. Telephone Conferences – Meetings of the Council may be held by means of telephone conference provided that the members have been advised in advance of the date and time of the conference. In such case, a mention of the use of this method must be recorded in the minutes.

42. Quorum – The presence of seven (7) members of the Council con­stitutes the quorum required to hold a valid meeting.22

The members may exceptionally participate to a meeting by means allowing all participants to communicate immediately between themselves, for example by telephone.
Mod. 27/08/2008

43. Agenda – The agenda includes particularly the following subjects:

    1. adoption of the minutes of previous meeting;
    2. report of the Bâtonnier;
    3. report of the First Councillor;
    4. report of the Treasurer;
    5. report of the Director General;
    6. requests for re-inscription;
    7. report of the committees;
    8. other business;
    9. date of the next meeting;
    10. adjournment.

Mod. 19/03/2008

44. Deliberations – Only members of the Council have the right to attend and participate at a meeting of Council. However, other persons may attend on the authorisation and invitation of the Council.

45. Voting at Meetings of the Council – All questions duly submitted to the Council are decided by majority vote of the members present having the right to vote.23 A member of the Council may request a secret vote.

In case of a tie, the Chair of the meeting has the deciding vote.24

The members present must vote save for reasons of recusation deemed sufficient by the Chair.25
Mod. 19/03/2008

46. Minutes – The minutes of a meeting of Council are prepared by the person designated by the Council. After being approved at a subsequent meeting and certified by the signatures of the Chair and the person who prepared them, the minutes are entered in the minute book.
Mod. 19/03/2008

Section 4 – Officers and Councillors

47. Taking Office – The officers and councillors take office at the general annual meeting where they are proclaimed elected.26
Mod. 07/11/2001 – 19/03/2008

48. Length of Mandate – The mandate of the Bâtonnier, the First Councillor, the Treasurer, the Secretary and the representative of the Young Bar Association of Montreal is for one (1) year. The mandate of the other councillors is for two (2) years.27

49. Implicit Resignation – Is deemed to have resigned of his (her) position, the officer or councillor who, as the case may be:

  1. ceases to be practising advocate;
  2. practises a function incompatible with the exercise of the profession.28

Mod. 07/11/2001 – 19/03/2008 – 25/01/2016

50. Unjustified Absences – A member of the Council who misses three (3) meetings during the course of the same term without justification may be removed by resolution of the Council after having been given the opportunity to be heard.

50.1. Violation of the policy creating a workplace without psychological and sexual harassment A member of the Council, who contravenes the policy of creating a workplace without psychological and sexual harassment, may be subject to a sanction that may go as far as dismissal.
Ajout. 29/04/2019

51. Vacancy – If a vacancy occurs on the Council or a position has not been filled at the election, the Council either appoints a replacement from amongst the Members for the remainder of the current mandate or orders an election.29
Mod. 19/03/2008

52. The Bâtonnier – The chief officer of the Section is the Bâtonnier. He is the representative and the spokesperson of the Section and of the Council.

He sees to the application of the present by-law and of the Council’s decisions.

In the performance of his office, the Bâtonnier shall have the powers and duties conferred on him by the Council, the present by-law or An Act respecting the Barreau du Québec and its by-laws.

At all meetings, he shall take precedence over all other Members. He shall be ex officio a member of all committees formed by the Council, which committees may be convoked by the Bâtonnier.30

In addition to meetings of the Section, the Bâtonnier presides the meetings of the Council and of the Executive Committee.31
Mod. 07/11/2001 – 19/03/2008

53. The First Councillor – The First Councillor assists the Bâtonnier and replaces him if he is absent or prevented from acting.32
Mod. 07/11/2001

54. The Treasurer – The Treasurer carries out the duties which normally devolve by usage on such officer and fulfils the special duties required of him by An Act respecting the Barreau du Québec and its by-laws, the present by-law or those imposed on him by the Council.33

Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Treasurer must:

  1. ensure the control of the disbursements and financial commitments of the Section in accordance with the decisions or the budget adopted by the Council;
  2. submit monthly a report to the Council on the financial status of the Section;
  3. supervise the management of the assets of the Section and the evolution of its investments.

Mod. 07/11/2001 – 19/03/2008

55. The Secretary – The Secretary carries out the duties which normally devolve by usage on such officer and fulfils the special duties required of him by An Act respecting the Barreau du Québec and its by-laws, the present by-law or those imposed on him by the Council.34
Mod. 07/11/2001

56. The Executive Committee – The Executive Committee is composed of the Bâtonnier, the First Councillor, the Treasurer and the Secretary. It acts as a consultative body to the Council and to the Bâtonnier.

The meetings of the Executive Committee are called at the request of the Bâtonnier or one of its members.

The Executive Committee carries out the duties conferred on it by the Council and must each year:

  1. revise the budget of operations of the Section and make its recommendations to the Council;
  2. recommend to the Council the amount of the fees to be paid by the Members;
  3. revise the financial results of the investments of the Section and make recommendations to the Council relating to the management of the assets of the Section;
  4. make its recommendations to the Council concerning the composition of the committees of the Section.

Mod. 07/11/2001 – 19/03/2008

57. The Councillors – In addition to assuming the responsibility of managing the business of the Section, the councillors contribute to the activities and the pursuit of the objectives of the Section.


58. Director General – The Council appoints a Director General. The latter may be assisted by an assistant.

59. Duties of the Director General – The Director General carries out the duties contemplated by the present by-law as well as those imposed upon him by the Council. He acts under the authority of the Council and is responsible for the everyday administration and operation of the Section.

In particular, he must:

  1. ensure the application of the Council’s resolutions;
  2. control all disbursements and financial commitments of the Section;
  3. ensure the follow-up of the work of all the committees of the Section;
  4. determine the tasks of the employees of the Section and supervise their work;
  5. make recommendations to the Council as the hiring, the dismissal and the salaries of the employees of the Section.

Mod. 19/03/2008

60. Assistant Director General – The Assistant Director General, under the authority of the Director General, fulfils the functions and duties that are imposed upon him by the Director General or the Council and replaces him when he is absent or prevented from acting.
Mod. 07/11/2001 – 19/03/2008

61. Destitution – The Director General may only be removed by a resolution of two-thirds (2/3) of the members of the Council, after being given the opportunity to be heard.
Mod. 19/03/2008


62. Formation – The Council may form as many committees as it deems necessary. It names the members and the Chair annually, whom it may replace at any time.35

Mod. 19/03/2008

63. Organisation – The Director General names the secretary of each committee. The secretary chooses, after consultation with the Chair of the committee, the place, the date and the time of the meetings. The meetings are called by the personnel of the Section. By consent of its members, a meeting may be held without notice.
Mod. 19/03/2008 – 25/01/2016

64. Quorum – The presence of the majority of members of a committee constitutes the quorum required to hold a valid meeting.
Mod. 19/03/2008

65. Decisions – Decisions are taken by majority vote of the members present. In case of tie, the Chair casts the deciding vote.
Mod. 19/03/2008

66. Deliberations – The deliberations of a committee are taken down in writing and sent to the Director General.
Mod. 19/03/2008

67. Powers – Each committee shall remain under the authority and jurisdiction of the Council to which it shall only make recommendations or suggestions.

68. Report – At the request of the Council, a committee shall make a report of its activities to the Council or to the Members at the annual general meeting.


69. Financial Year – The financial year end of the Section is on March 31.36

70. Fees37 – The amount of the annual fees payable to the Bar of Montreal by the Members is fixed by resolution of the Council.

To come into force a resolution passed by the Council under the first paragraph must be approved by a majority of the Members who vote on the matter at a general meeting.

A resolution determining an annual assessment is applicable for the year for which the assessment has been determined and it remains applicable, so long as it is not amended, for each subsequent year.
Mod. 07/11/2001 – 19/03/2008 – 25/01/2016

71. Budget – Upon recommendation of the Executive Committee, the Council shall adopt each year a budget of the revenues and expenses of the Section.
Ajout 19/03/2008

72. Deposits and investments – The funds of the Section shall be deposited in a financial institution designated by the Council.

When the funds are sufficient, upon recommendation of the Executive Committee, the Council shall choose a duly qualified advisor to assist it in the management of its financial assets. The Council can entrust to this advisor the mandate to manage certain assets of the Section in conformity with the investment policy adopted for this purpose.
Mod. 19/03/2008

73. Disbursements – No financial commitment or any disbursements can be made without the prior approval of the Council.

The financial commitments and the disbursements are deemed authorized by the Council if they are carried out in accordance with the budget adopted by the Council in accordance with section 76 of the present by-law.

At each Council’s meeting, the Director General submits a report of all the disbursements which were carried out.
Mod. 19/03/2008

74. Payments – All payments shall be authorized by any two of the following persons: the Bâtonnier, the First Councillor, the Treasurer, the Secretary or the Director General.

The Council may by resolution appoint specifically any other person to authorize the payments.
Mod. 19/03/2008

75. Bookkeeping – Under the direction of the Director General and according to the recommendations of the auditor, the Section shall maintain accounting books in which the revenues and expenses are recorded.

76. Reports – The Treasurer submits a statement to the Council, as often as required by it, of the financial situation of the Section.

He submits a year end report to the annual general meeting.

77. Auditor – At the annual general meeting, the Members appoint an auditor who must be a member of the Ordre des comptables professionnels agréés du Québec.
Mod. 19/03/2008 – 25/01/2016


78. Recipients – The Council, after consultation with the Conference of former Bâtonniers, confers the Medal of the Bar of Montreal upon persons who are recognised for their remarkable contribution to the cause of justice.

Mod. 19/03/2008

79. Posthumously – The Medal may be conferred posthumously.

80. Council’s Meeting – No less than once per year, the Bâtonnier places on the agenda for the meeting of Council, the subject “Designation of recipients of the Medal of the Bar of Montreal”.
Mod. 19/03/2008

81. Time of Presentation – The Medal is presented by the Bâtonnier on the occasion of a solemn event.

82. Form – The Medal is made of silver and presented in a presentation case. It consists of a disc 7.5cm in diameter and approximately 5mm thick. On the obverse side is engraved a montage of the two Montreal Courthouses and in the background the outline of Mount Royal crowned with its cross.

Besides an identification number, the reverse side of the Medal carries the engraving:

The Bar of Montreal
(the name of the recipient)
(his title of merit)
(the year of its attribution)
In grateful recognition

Mod. 19/03/2008

83. Register – The Bar of Montreal keeps a register with the office of the Section in which are inscribed the names of the recipients, the identification number of the Medal attributed as well as the signature of the recipient and of the Bâtonnier.
Mod. 19/03/2008

84. Attestation – The recipient receives with the Medal an attestation signed by the Bâtonnier in office at the time of the attribution.
Mod. 19/03/2008 – 27/08/2008

85. Removal – The Council, after consultation with the Conference of former Bâtonniers, may revoke the Medal from the recipient due to indignity.

86. Acts After Removal – Any person who has forfeited the title of recipient of the Medal must return it without delay to the Council and his inscription in the register is struck, with an indication of the date.
Mod. 19/03/2008


87. Recipients – The Council confers the Pierre-Fournier Award of The Bar of Montreal to persons who are recognised for their exceptional contribution to the Bar of Montreal and to its activities.
Mod. 29/04/2019

88. Posthumously – The Pierre-Fournier Award may be conferred posthumously.
Mod. 29/04/2019

89. Council’s Meeting – No less than once per year, the Bâtonnier places on the agenda for the meeting of Council, the subject «Designation of recipients of the Pierre-Fournier Award of the Bar of Montreal».
Mod. 19/03/2008 – 29/04/2019

90. Time of Presentation – The Pierre-Fournier Award is presented by the Bâtonnier on the occasion of a solemn event.
Mod. 29/04/2019

91. Form – The Pierre-Fournier Award is presented in a presentation case. It consists of an insignia representing the logo of the Bar of Montreal.
Mod. 07/11/2001 – 29/04/2019

92. Register – The Bar of Montreal keeps a register with the office of the Section in which are inscribed the names of the recipients, the date of attribution of the Pierre-Fournier Award as well as the signature of the recipient and of the Bâtonnier.
Mod. 19/03/2008 – 29/04/2019

93. Attestation – The recipient receives with the insignia an attestation signed by the Bâtonnier in office at the time of the attribution.
Mod. 19/03/2008 – 27/08/2008

94. Removal – The Council may revoke the Pierre-Fournier Award from a recipient due to indignity.
Mod. 29/04/2019

95. Acts After Removal – Any person who has forfeited the title of recipient of the Pierre-Fournier Award must return the insignia and the certificate of attestation without delay to the Council and his inscription in the register is struck, with an indication of the date.
Mod. 19/03/2008 – 29/04/2019


96. Recipients – The Council, on the recommendation of the Salon VISEZ DROIT committee, awards the Prix VISEZ DROIT to individuals, members of the Bar or not, who have helped the Bar of Montreal to fulfill its mission by participating in activities to inform the public of its rights and to demystify the law, its practice and procedures, as well as the work of the professionals who practice it.
Ajout. 25/01/2016

97. Posthumously – The Prix may be conferred posthumously.
Ajout. 25/01/2016

98. Council’s Meeting – No less than once per year, the subject «Designation of recipients of the Prix VISEZ DROIT» is placed on the agenda of a meeting of the Council.
Ajout. 25/01/2016

99. Time of Presentation – The Prix VISEZ DROIT is presented by the Bâtonnier or his representative on the occasion of the Salon VISEZ DROIT.
Ajout. 25/01/2016

100. Form – The Prix VISEZ DROIT is in the form of an optical crystal trophy engraved with logos of the Salon VISEZ DROIT and the Bar of Montreal.
Ajout. 25/01/2016

101. Register – The Bar of Montreal keeps a register with the office of the Section in which are inscribed the names of the recipients of the Prix, as well as the signature of the recipient and of the Bâtonnier.
Ajout. 25/01/2016

102. Attestation – The recipient receives with the Prix an attestation signed by the Bâtonnier in office at the time of the attribution.
Ajout. 25/01/2016

103. Removal – The Council revoke the Prix from the recipient due to indignity.
Ajout. 25/01/2016


104. Modification of the By-Law – The present by-law may be modified by the Council on the conditions contained in An Act respecting the Barreau du Québec or by the general meeting of Members, save for matters where the law gives competence to the Council.

The modification of the by-law by the general meeting of Members may only take place if a prior notice is given in the notice of convocation of the annual or special meeting at least fifteen (15) days before it takes place.
Mod. 19/03/2008

105. Coming Into Force – The present by-law replaces all previous by-laws adopted by the Council.

The present by-law comes into force on the day of its adoption.40

1 5(2),6 of An Act respecting the Barreau du Québec
2 5(4) of An Act respecting the Barreau du Québec
3 7(2) of An Act respecting the Barreau du Québec
4 9 of An Act respecting the Barreau du Québec
5 30 of An Act respecting the Barreau du Québec
6 29 of An Act respecting the Barreau du Québec
7 35(1) of An Act respecting the Barreau du Québec
8 36 of An Act respecting the Barreau du Québec
9 35(1) of An Act respecting the Barreau du Québec
10 27 of An Act respecting the Barreau du Québec
11 27(2) of An Act respecting the Barreau du Québec
12 32(4) of An Act respecting the Barreau du Québec
13 28 of An Act respecting the Barreau du Québec
14 31 of An Act respecting the Barreau du Québec
15 33(1) of An Act respecting the Barreau du Québec
16 32(5) of An Act respecting the Barreau du Québec
17 32(2)(3) of An Act respecting the Barreau du Québec
18 32(1) of An Act respecting the Barreau du Québec
19 32(2) of An Act respecting the Barreau du Québec
20 32(5) of An Act respecting the Barreau du Québec
21 38(2)b. of An Act respecting the Barreau du Québec
22 34(1) of An Act respecting the Barreau du Québec
23 34(2) of An Act respecting the Barreau du Québec
24 35(1) of An Act respecting the Barreau du Québec
25 34(3) of An Act respecting the Barreau du Québec
26 33(3) of An Act respecting the Barreau du Québec
27 33(1)(2) of An Act respecting the Barreau du Québec; this section results of a resolution adopted by the Members of the Section at a special meeting held on November 18, 1968.
28 33(4) of An Act respecting the Barreau du Québec
29 33(5) of An Act respecting the Barreau du Québec
30 35(2) of An Act respecting the Barreau du Québec
31 35(1) of An Act respecting the Barreau du Québec
32 36 of An Act respecting the Barreau du Québec
33 37(1) of An Act respecting the Barreau du Québec
34 37(1) of An Act respecting the Barreau du Québec
35 38(2)d. of An Act respecting the Barreau du Québec
36 108 of the Professional Code
37 Art. 68 (1) (7) An Act respecting the Barreau du Québec, art. 85.1 Professional Code
38 These articles were adopted by resolution of the Council at its meeting of April 15, 1992. Since November 22, 2017, the Merit of the Bar of Montreal is named the Pierre-Fournier Award.
39 These articles were adopted by resolution of the Council at its meeting of January 9, 2013.
40 39 of An Act respecting the Barreau du Québec (This general by-law has been adopted by the Council of the Bar of Montreal at its meeting of October 28, 1998. Modifications were brought at the meetings of November 7, 2001, of March 19, 2008, of August 27, 2008, of January 29, 2014 and of January 25, 2016).

General By-laws
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