American and Quebec Electoral Systems: Comparative analysis and legal implications of the 2024 Elections

Cette formation, en partenariat avec le Barreau de Chicago, est offerte exclusivement en anglais

The training offers an in-depth analysis of the November 2024 U.S. elections, focusing on the legal aspects governing the electoral process in the United States. It also aims to equip both Montreal and Chicago lawyers with the necessary knowledge to understand the differences and similarities between the American and Quebec electoral systems, as well as the crucial role lawyers play in ensuring election integrity. Topics covered will include electoral legislation, election administration, election monitoring, and the management of electoral disputes, with insights into improvements and shortcomings in the U.S. system over the past 25 years.

Additionally, the training will highlight the role of lawyers in shaping public policy and defending civil and democratic rights. Comparisons will be made between the fundamental values of the Quebec system, such as equality, justice, and respect for diversity, and how these values are reflected or differ in the American context, particularly regarding voting rights and citizen participation.

Participants will have the opportunity to engage with hypothetical scenarios to discuss legal issues related to the elections, fostering a rich exchange of perspectives and experiences. This interaction will help both Montreal and Chicago lawyers enhance their professional skills in line with the continuing education requirements of the Barreau du Québec and the Illinois Supreme Court. Ultimately, this training promotes cross-border collaboration among legal professionals.


Inscription réservée aux professionnels de la communauté juridique.

Pour participer, inscrivez-vous ci-dessous avant le 31 octobre 2024, 8 h 30.

Les participants recevront leur lien de connexion Zoom la veille et un rappel une heure avant le début de la conférence.

Date limite pour annulation avec remboursement: 28 octobre 2024.

En savoir plus sur nos conférenciers :

Me Olivier Cournoyer-Boutin

Me Olivier Cournoyer Boutin holds a bachelor’s degree in civil law and common law from McGill University, as well as a bachelor’s degree in sociology from Université Laval. A member of the Barreau du Québec since 2011, he has been working as a lawyer for the Chief Electoral Officer of Quebec since 2015, representing them before all judicial courts in Quebec in matters of administrative, constitutional, civil, and penal law. This role has allowed him to develop extensive experience in electoral law, including political financing rules, election organization, and electoral district delimitation. Additionally, he serves as a lecturer in legislative drafting for a graduate microprogram offered by the Faculty of Law at Université Laval and as a trainer in the Training Path for Investigators of the Quebec Public Administration, also offered by Université Laval. He is frequently invited to speak at conferences, notably during the first two editions of the Symposium of the Barreau du Québec on Recent Developments in Public Integrity. He is also a member of the electoral committee of the Barreau du Québec.

Me William Kresse 

William J. Kresse is one of three Commissioners on the Chicago Board of Election Commissioners, the independent agency that runs elections in the City of Chicago. Kresse is also an Associate Professor in the College of Business of Governors State University. He is an attorney, a Certified Public Accountant / Certified in Financial Forensics, a Certified Fraud Examiner, and a Certified Forensic Accountant. He is President of the Institute of Election Auditors. His professional background includes a clerkship with the U.S. District Court in Chicago and experience as a certified public accountant-auditor with Deloitte. Committed to democracy, he serves as special counsel to the American Bar Association’s Standing Committee on Election Law and is a member of the Advisory Board of the American Bar Association’s Task Force on American Democracy. He is also an advisor to the Uniform Law Commission’s Committee on Election Law. His contributions to the field have earned him several honors, including “Educator of the Year” from the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners and the “Unsung Hero of Democracy” award from the American Bar Association.

November 1st, 2024
11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Online conference (Zoom)
Prices from 33,75$ to 58,50$+tx
514 866-9392

*Une attestation de présence sera transmise par courriel dans un délai de 4 à 8 semaines suivant l’activité.

Merci à nos partenaires